Maryland State Employees Salariespodcast Personal - Established in 1953, we handle and provide payment of salaries and wages for all state employees whose salaries are paid from funds. We have 341,700 maryland state employee salaries in our database. Average government employee salary in maryland is $55,099 and median salary is $53,000. Workers will receive pay increases ranging from 5% to upwards of 20%, depending on job class, agency and years of service. All state workers covered by an afscme contract. Led by coaches, doctors and administrators, the 50 people the state paid that most in 2025 all worked for maryland universities. Only five are women and almost three quarters of. The payroll of public employees is released by the relevant government agencies in compliance with the maryland public information act, or, in the case of federal employees,. Salaries are budgeted for the fiscal year, and are. A list of maryland state employees salaries by year, agency and employee. 2025 annual personnel report. An official website of the state of maryland. Maryland department of public safety and correctional services recruitment employees: We have 6,264 maryland state employee salaries in our database. Average government employee salary in maryland is $49,842 and median salary is $49,214. Wes moore committed to rebuilding the state government workforce. Can he do that amid maryland's fiscal crisis? Would orioles, anthony santander reunion make sense on. The average employee salary for the state of maryland in 2023 was $72,936. This is 1. 7 percent higher than the national average for government employees and 5. 1 percent higher than other. Maryland state employee salaries. We have 97,339 maryland state employee salaries in our database. Average government employee salary in maryland is $66,491 and median salary is. Step 2 will be eliminated from the pay scale and step 25 & step 26 will be added to the pay scale. Shift differential will move from. 65 to $1. Afscme and the state will be meeting soon to try to. The state of maryland pledges to provide constituents, businesses, customers, and stakeholders with friendly and courteous, timely and responsive, accurate and consistent, accessible and. The office of personnel services and benefits (opsb) promotes the recruitment development and retention of a competent, motivated workforce for maryland state government which.
Established in 1953, we handle and provide payment of salaries and wages for all state employees whose salaries are paid from funds. We have 341,700 maryland state employee salaries in our database. Average government employee salary in maryland is $55,099 and median salary is $53,000. Workers will receive pay increases ranging from 5% to upwards of 20%, depending on job class, agency and years of service. All state workers covered by an afscme contract. Led by coaches, doctors and administrators, the 50 people the state paid that most in 2025 all worked for maryland universities. Only five are women and almost three quarters of. The payroll of public employees is released by the relevant government agencies in compliance with the maryland public information act, or, in the case of federal employees,. Salaries are budgeted for the fiscal year, and are. A list of maryland state employees salaries by year, agency and employee. 2025 annual personnel report. An official website of the state of maryland. Maryland department of public safety and correctional services recruitment employees: