Zillow Nj Home Values - Of the 548 zip codes zillow analyzed, 546 saw home. Two of these new jersey counties saw a more than 9 percent increase in typical home values from 2023 to 2025, zillow data shows. Patch took a look at zillow data for more. The average home value in camden, nj is $137,344, up 16. 1% over the past year. Learn more about the camden housing market and real estate trends. Find out the average home value in new jersey, how it changed over the past year, and how it compares to other cities and states. Zillow also provides market data, home listings, and. The average home value in westfield, nj is $1,135,708, up 8. 7% over the past year. Learn more about the westfield housing market and real estate trends. New jersey now has 38 towns with home values topping $1 million as statewide prices jumped more than 6% from a year earlier, according to the latest data from zillow. The average united states home value is $356,585, up 2. 6% over the past year and goes to pending in around 29 days. What is the zillow home values index? Zillow home value index. Zillow's data reflects home values through july 31. Deal, in monmouth county, tops the list as new jersey's most expensive zip code, with a typical home value of. Nine new jersey counties ranked in the top 150 most expensive typical home values in the u. s. In december, the latest zillow data shows. Cape may county ranked the. Zillow's data shows that home values have climbed 182% nationwide and 200% in the state of new jersey since 2000, said zillow home trends expert amanda pendleton. The average home value in new jersey is $484,467, up 4. 2 percent from this time last year, according to zillow. Meanwhile, the average new jersey home value is $535,469 โ an increase of 8. 4 percent over the past year, according to zillow. Homes on the market go to pending in around. However, this figure is an. Seven new jersey towns made the list of 150 most expensive typical home values in may, data from zillow showed. The typical home value in deal, a jersey shore borough. Eight new jersey towns now rank in the top 150 for most expensive home values in the nation, according to the latest data for february from zillow. All of the new jersey towns. Home values in new jersey increased in september compared to the same time last year, the latest zillow data showed. Of the 548 zip codes zillow analyzed, 546 saw home. Two of these new jersey counties saw a more than 9 percent increase in typical home values from 2023 to 2025, zillow data shows. Patch took a look at zillow data for more. The average home value in camden, nj is $137,344, up 16. 1% over the past year. Learn more about the camden housing market and real estate trends.
Of the 548 zip codes zillow analyzed, 546 saw home. Two of these new jersey counties saw a more than 9 percent increase in typical home values from 2023 to 2025, zillow data shows. Patch took a look at zillow data for more. The average home value in camden, nj is $137,344, up 16. 1% over the past year. Learn more about the camden housing market and real estate trends. Find out the average home value in new jersey, how it changed over the past year, and how it compares to other cities and states. Zillow also provides market data, home listings, and. The average home value in westfield, nj is $1,135,708, up 8. 7% over the past year. Learn more about the westfield housing market and real estate trends. New jersey now has 38 towns with home values topping $1 million as statewide prices jumped more than 6% from a year earlier, according to the latest data from zillow. The average united states home value is $356,585, up 2. 6% over the past year and goes to pending in around 29 days. What is the zillow home values index? Zillow home value index. Zillow's data reflects home values through july 31. Deal, in monmouth county, tops the list as new jersey's most expensive zip code, with a typical home value of. Nine new jersey counties ranked in the top 150 most expensive typical home values in the u. s. In december, the latest zillow data shows. Cape may county ranked the.